London Craft Week: Meet the Artist
JMD: Describe the space where you work, and what surrounds and inspires you?
TD: My studio is located in Clements Yard, in South London where I am surrounded by other designers and artist's studios. I am very privileged to be part of this community. My space is very colourful, as my works are, and apart from books, materials, and tools I also surround myself with friends' work.
JMD: How do you know when something is finished?
TD: It is a hard one to answer. In terms of finishing touches, I always have the drive to go on and on. In terms of design itself - I just know, the object speaks for. itself it that makes any sense...
JMD: Do you keep a sketchbook or do you prefer to start your designs and ideas elsewhere?
TD: I do keep a sketchbook and I sketch all the time.
JMD: Do you have any particular techniques that you have developed that shape your work?
TD: I don't think so. The techniques or mediums I use are driven by my visual language. That said, in return, the technique I am using (whether it is tufting, printing or appliqué) will inform the visual language.
JMD: With your sculptural work, where does the inspiration come from?
TD: Everything could be a source of inspiration and my eyes are always wide open but mostly, it is the work itself that inspire more work. it is a cyclical process - the more I work the more ideas I have.
JMD: Do you have any particular shapes and colours that you find yourself coming back to?
TD: Rich saturated colours. Right now I am fascinated by different forms of containers.
JMD: What do you hope people will feel when they see your work in the store?
TD: Curious. Amused. Intrigued and happy.